Social Psychology: Attraction
e.g. Westigate Study (Festinger, 1950)
The single best predicator of attraction. It is caused by availability and mere exposure. Repeated mere exposure can increase attraction (Moreland & Beach, 1992)
Physical attractiveness (Dion et al. 1972)
Physical attractiveness is expected to be self-fulfilling (Snyder, Tanke, Berscheid, 1977)
- Cross-cultural consistency (Cunningham, 1995)
- Certain body features
Physical attractivness works in various situations
- In educaion (Clifford & Walster, 1973)
- In medical situation (Dion, 1974)
- In court (Downs & Lyons, 1991)
- In economy (Hamermesh & Biddle, 1994)
- In business (Hosoda et al., 2003)
Birds of a feather flock together.
- The matching hypothesis (Elaine Hatfield et al. 1996)